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social security

The Benefits of Taking Social Security Early

The amount of your social security benefit will not be reduced if you begin receiving it at an early age. Because you’ll take it at a younger age, your monthly payment will be smaller than if you had waited, but…

alzheimers patient

The Alzheimer’s Epidemic and Memory Care

There is usually a long preclinical phase to Alzheimer’s disease, which gradually worsens over time. Initial symptoms are often mistaken for normal aging and include problems with language, mood swings, disorientation, loss of motivation, poor self-care, and behavioral issues. There…

elder law

A Brief Overview of Elder Law Attorneys

Currently, more than 51 million Americans are 65 years or older, and that number continues to rise. Medical and technological advancements allow seniors to live longer and better lives than ever before. The expanding needs of the US aging population…

alzheimers patient

A Couple’s Guide to Coping with Spousal Dementia

As a spouse, you want to do everything in your power to keep your spouse healthy. But what happens if he or she suffers from dementia? A marriage with the potential to span years or decades becomes subject to enormous…

senior care

Managing Senior Living Markets with Virtual Care

To overcome obstacles in senior health care, virtual care has become a standard in senior living and aging services. Virtual care techniques have been used for over a decade and have moved beyond infancy stages. Several top providers of senior…

Senior Safe Act

Understanding The Senior Safe Act

According to the Senior Safe Act, which became effective on May 24, 2018, financial institutions and regulators will be able to report instances of potential financial exploitation of senior citizens. Those who are covered by this law include financial institutions,…

senior couple

SECURE 2.0 Act of 2023

Since 2006, the Pension Protection Act has been the only significant change in retirement legislation since the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE). The impact of the SECURE Act on some retirees, near-retirees, and their future beneficiaries…

Caregiving Career

How to Navigate the Challenges of Caregiving

The difficulties of being a caregiver aren’t apparent until you become one. Taking on this role is an honor for many people since it involves someone they love. In the US, 53 million people have assumed this role and then struggled to…


Combating Age Discrimination

Age discrimination in the workplace persists despite decades of efforts to eliminate it. Age discrimination occurs when an employee or prospective employee is treated less favorably because of their age. It can be directed at older employees as well as…

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