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What Is the Lifeline Program?

The Lifeline Program is a federal program that works to lower the cost of phone and internet services for low-income American households. With the reduced costs that Lifeline provides its customers, seniors can stay connected on a budget.

Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented?

While new knowledge becomes available each year about promising potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, recent research is also focusing on the prevention of the disease or mitigation of its symptoms.

senior care

Managing Senior Living Markets with Virtual Care

To overcome obstacles in senior health care, virtual care has become a standard in senior living and aging services. Virtual care techniques have been used for over a decade and have moved beyond infancy stages. Several top providers of senior…


Combating Age Discrimination

Age discrimination in the workplace persists despite decades of efforts to eliminate it. Age discrimination occurs when an employee or prospective employee is treated less favorably because of their age. It can be directed at older employees as well as…

estate plan and living trust

Living Wills: Ten Things You Need to Know

Living wills are not last wills and testaments that indicate how you want your assets to be distributed after your death. Instead, it is a mechanism to communicate to your family and doctors how you want medical care conducted when…

The Signs of Elder Abuse

The Signs of Elder Abuse

It is possible that as our loved one’s age, they will no longer be able to care for themselves. Some may move into nursing homes or assisted living facilities, while others will reside with family, friends, and neighbors, or rely…

Should You Work Post Retirement?

Should You Work Post Retirement?

It is common to notice that the owners of podiatry practices and shoe repair companies are typically ages 55 and up. You are witnessing what the statistics show. Older workers dominate some professions. In addition, more Americans are working more…

Surviving the 2022 Economy

Surviving the 2022 Economy

Many people’s finances have been on a roller coaster ride over the last few years of economic turmoil. Many businesses shut down or reduced their business in 2020, which resulted in a high rate of under and unemployed workers. The…

Keeping Seniors Connected to Avoid Loneliness

Keeping Seniors Connected to Avoid Loneliness

A healthy and long life is what most of us strive for, and we respect the wisdom of the elderly. However, their long life often comes with the grief of outliving their spouses, friends, and sometimes their children. If they…

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