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What Is the Lifeline Program?

The Lifeline Program is a federal program that works to lower the cost of phone and internet services for low-income American households. With the reduced costs that Lifeline provides its customers, seniors can stay connected on a budget.

Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented?

While new knowledge becomes available each year about promising potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, recent research is also focusing on the prevention of the disease or mitigation of its symptoms.

alzheimers patient

The Alzheimer’s Epidemic and Memory Care

There is usually a long preclinical phase to Alzheimer’s disease, which gradually worsens over time. Initial symptoms are often mistaken for normal aging and include problems with language, mood swings, disorientation, loss of motivation, poor self-care, and behavioral issues. There…

Senior Safe Act

Understanding The Senior Safe Act

According to the Senior Safe Act, which became effective on May 24, 2018, financial institutions and regulators will be able to report instances of potential financial exploitation of senior citizens. Those who are covered by this law include financial institutions,…

Survivorship Estate Planning

Survivorship Estate Planning

When you lose a spouse or long-term partner, it is difficult to think beyond your grief. However, it is crucial to understand there are important and timely decisions you need to make regarding your finances and personal estate plan. In…

The Sandwich Generation’s Financial Burden

The Sandwich Generation’s Financial Burden

Pew Research Center’s survey of American adults conducted in 2021 found that 23% belong to the “sandwich generation”. As the senior population grows and younger adults struggle to gain financial independence, many middle-aged adults find themselves “sandwiched” between their children…

How to Cover In-Home Care Costs

How to Cover In-Home Care Costs

There are many major decisions we must make as we age, and one of them is where to live. We may ask ourselves, “Am I able to remain in my home independently, or do I need assistance?” If the answer…

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