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Medicaid Crisis Planning – When is it Appropriate?

Medicaid Crisis Planning – When is it Appropriate?

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that pays for long-term care costs for individuals who meet certain asset requirements. The cost of long-term care often has devastating financial impacts for Americans, particularly the elderly, and family members who…

The Powers and Limitations of a Will

The Powers and Limitations of a Will

Wills are legally binding directives that state who will inherit your assets upon your death. They are an integral part of a comprehensive estate plan. In the event of your death without a will (intestate), your assets will be distributed…

Giving is Not Always Better Than Receiving

Giving is Not Always Better Than Receiving

In the event that a loved one might need Medicaid assistance in the near future, that person should avoid giving gifts. Gifts in such situations can end up being very, very expensive for people who receive joy from generosity. Medicaid…

High Living Costs and Medicaid, How Do They Relate?

High Living Costs and Medicaid, How Do They Relate?

It is no stranger to the general population that there is a growing increase for the need for affordable long-term care services in America. Costs are exceedingly expensive between premiums for a long-term care insurance policy and monthly bills from…

Estate Planning Essentials to Understand in Florida

Estate Planning Essentials to Understand in Florida

The law describes estate planning as a legal document summarizing the property a person owns and how to distribute these assets when deceased. Property ownership includes individual as well as jointly owned bank accounts, stocks and bonds, retirement accounts, real…

Ways to Hold Title to Property in Florida

Ways to Hold Title to Property in Florida

Most people consider their home or other real property the main part of their overall net worth. How the home and other pieces of real property are titled deserves careful consideration. Real estate constitutes the land and any structure, including…

Planning for Blended Families in Florida

Planning for Blended Families in Florida

A blended family is where a couple brings children into a marriage from a previous marriage and then possibly has children together. Blended families highlight the need for careful estate planning to make sure the needs of each spouse are…

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